Ap curriculum
Advanced Placement (AP) classes are university-level classes that students can take at the high school level and earn college credit (dependent on passing an exam in May). AP classes are academically challenging, fast-paced, and require commitment, especially when completing homework assignments and independent learning. The exams are rated on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. A score of 3 is generally accepted by most US Universities.
Benefits of taking AP classes
Besides receiving college credit, there are many other benefits to taking an AP class. Some examples include: Developing study skills at the university level Studies show that if you receive a two on an AP exam, you are ready for university-level learning Studies show that if a student gets a three or above, they typically perform better in university Strengthening of school transcript Since AP classes are weighted, it can allow a student to receive above a 4.0 GPA Studies show that students enrolling in AP classes are more likely to enter a four-year, more selective university upon graduation. The College Board provides additional information and statistics on the benefits of taking AP classes. You can find more information on what AP classes are here and the benefits of taking AP classes here.
According to the College Board: “Universities around the world recognize AP when making admission decisions, course requisites, and awarding university credit. In fact, half of students entering four-year colleges are now starting school with some credit from AP courses. Qualifying AP Exam scores earn university credit in nearly all universities in the United States and Canada and are recognized in 60 other countries worldwide. Scores of 3 or 4 on AP Exams fulfill admission requirements in many universities in the UK and Europe. Each college and university determines its own policies regarding AP Exam scores. For detailed information about the AP recognition policies of universities, use the searches below: Global: Search AP Credit Policies Outside the US: Search AP Recognition Policies (admissions, credit/placement, and scholarship considerations)” Please keep in mind that students are graduating with a US diploma even though HKAA is located in Hong Kong. They should view the individual requirements for acceptance with an American diploma. If they are planning to study in Hong Kong, the UK, or elsewhere, they must meet their individual country requirements. For example, both Hong Kong University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology require students to take a minimum of three AP classes to be eligible for admission.
AP Credit Abroad

AP Calculus (G.12)
AP Physics (G. 11 - G.12)
AP Human Geography (G.9 & G.10)
AP Computer Science (G.10 - G.12)
AP Language and Culture (G.10 - G.12)
AP Chinese Language and Culture (G.10 - G.12)
AP English Literature and Culture (G.10 - G.12)
AP Art History (G.10 - G.12)
AP European History (G.10 - G.12)
AP United States History (G.10 - G.12)
AP Music Theory (**auditions required)
AP courses We
Offer at HKAA
AP classes are university level classes. Therefore, students that are interested in taking Advanced Placement classes should meet the following requirements:
Cumulative GPA of 3.3
At least an B in current year base subject class
B- or below - must petition
AP Chinese - by teacher permission
AP Music - by auditions
Student, parent, registrar and teacher signatures are required
Note that some classes may require an entrance exam
Some classes may require prerequisites
Below are a list of the amount of AP classes a student may take based on their grade level:
Grade 9 /10 - AP Human Geography
Grade 9 - AP Music Theory (need to pass Auditions)
10th Grade - 2 AP Classes (AP Chinese and AP History [European or US History depending on which course is offered that year] OR AP Human Geography))
Grade 11/12 - can take up to 3 AP classes
Can petition an AP overload
Admittance into the class means you must complete the first FOUR weeks before deciding to drop.
Many AP classes also require summer homework assignments that students are expected to complete.
Due to the smaller class sizes at HKAA, students taking AP classes will receive more one-on-one teacher support and individual feedback. Smaller class sizes allow students to succeed despite the fast-paced, rigorous course load.
Many teachers offer additional tutoring on a weekly basis to help students prepare for the exam.
There is a 94% pass rate on AP exams within AP History classes with a passing score of at least 3.
If students would like to study a course that our school does not offer, they have the ability to self-study and take the AP test on their own. Doing a self-study of an AP class is unique to the AP system as most IB schools require students to take the class to take the exam.
AP vs. IB Program

Advance Placement
Entrance Fee: HKD2,500 (HKAA Students)
Can choose to self-study for AP class outside of school AP class offerings
Choose which subjects you are interested and excel in
Accepted locally and internationally
Recommended to take 3 AP classes
University level classes
Can begin taking AP level classes in 9th grade
No additional requirements outside of class
HKAA offers on campus AP testing
No additional testing requirements outside of exam
International Baccalaureate
Exam fee: $119USD
Usually must be enrolled in an IB class to take the IB test
Holistic, cross-disciplinary program; strong foundation in liberal arts
Accepted locally and internationally
Must take 3 “high level” classes to earn IB diploma
University level classes
Ages 16-19 only (grades 11/12)
Additional requirements outside of class that focus on global awareness
Most schools offer testing on campus
Must write extended essay in addition to taking exam
HKAA Safe place to Grow
Students enjoy the benefits of both systems and are taught to perform at high levels of academic excellence. A majority of HKAA’s teachers are internationally based teachers from all corners of the globe.